Hectoliters to Deciliters Converter (hl to dl)
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Hectoliters to Deciliters


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Convert Deciliters to Hectoliters (dl to hl) ▶

Conversion Table

hectoliters to deciliters
1 hl 1000 dl
2 hl 2000 dl
3 hl 3000 dl
4 hl 4000 dl
5 hl 5000 dl
6 hl 6000 dl
7 hl 7000 dl
8 hl 8000 dl
9 hl 9000 dl
10 hl 10000 dl
11 hl 11000 dl
12 hl 12000 dl
13 hl 13000 dl
14 hl 14000 dl
15 hl 15000 dl
16 hl 16000 dl
17 hl 17000 dl
18 hl 18000 dl
19 hl 19000 dl
20 hl 20000 dl

How to convert

1 hectoliter (hl) = 1000 deciliter (dl). Hectoliter (hl) is a unit of Volume used in Metric system. Deciliter (dl) is a unit of Volume used in Metric system.

Hectoliters: A Unit of Volume

A hectoliter is a unit of volume that measures how much space an object or substance occupies. It is equal to 100 liters, or 0.1 cubic meters, or 0.0001 cubic kilometers. One hectoliter can also be written as hL or 105 mL.

How to Convert Hectoliters

To convert hectoliters to other units of volume, we need to use conversion factors that relate the hectoliter to the desired unit. For example, to convert hectoliters to gallons, we need to know that one gallon is equal to 3.785 liters. Therefore, one hectoliter is equal to 100 liters, or 26.418 gallons.

Here are some common conversion factors for hectoliters:

  • 1 hL = 100 L
  • 1 hL = 26.418 US gallons
  • 1 hL = 21.997 UK gallons
  • 1 hL = 3.531 ft3
  • 1 hL = 0.131 yd3
  • 1 hL = 0.167 barrels (oil)
  • 1 hL = 0.014 acre-feet

To convert from other units of volume to hectoliters, we need to use the inverse of these conversion factors. For example, to convert gallons to hectoliters, we need to divide by 26.418.

Deciliters: A Unit of Volume

A deciliter is a unit of volume that measures how much space an object or substance occupies. It is equal to 0.1 liters, or 0.0001 cubic meters, or 0.0000001 cubic kilometers. One deciliter can also be written as dL or 100 mL.

How to Convert Deciliters

To convert deciliters to other units of volume, we need to use conversion factors that relate the deciliter to the desired unit. For example, to convert deciliters to ounces, we need to know that one ounce is equal to 0.0296 liters. Therefore, one deciliter is equal to 0.1 liters, or 3.381 ounces.

Here are some common conversion factors for deciliters:

  • 1 dL = 0.1 L
  • 1 dL = 3.381 US fluid ounces
  • 1 dL = 3.52 UK fluid ounces
  • 1 dL = 0.035 ft3
  • 1 dL = 0.001 yd3
  • 1 dL = 0.002 barrels (oil)
  • 1 dL = 0.00001 acre-feet

To convert from other units of volume to deciliters, we need to use the inverse of these conversion factors. For example, to convert ounces to deciliters, we need to divide by 3.381.

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