Miles Per Minute to Feet Per Minute Converter (mi/min to ft/min)
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Miles Per Minute to Feet Per Minute


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Conversion Table

miles per minute to feet per minute
1 mi/min 5280 ft/min
2 mi/min 10560 ft/min
3 mi/min 15840 ft/min
4 mi/min 21120 ft/min
5 mi/min 26400 ft/min
6 mi/min 31680 ft/min
7 mi/min 36960 ft/min
8 mi/min 42240 ft/min
9 mi/min 47520 ft/min
10 mi/min 52800 ft/min
11 mi/min 58080 ft/min
12 mi/min 63360 ft/min
13 mi/min 68640 ft/min
14 mi/min 73920 ft/min
15 mi/min 79200 ft/min
16 mi/min 84480 ft/min
17 mi/min 89760 ft/min
18 mi/min 95040 ft/min
19 mi/min 100320 ft/min
20 mi/min 105600 ft/min

How to convert

1 mile per minute (mi/min) = 5280 foot per minute (ft/min). Mile Per Minute (mi/min) is a unit of Speed used in Standard system. Foot Per Minute (ft/min) is a unit of Speed used in Standard system.

Miles per minute: a unit of speed

Miles per minute is a unit of speed that measures how many miles an object travels in one minute. It is commonly used in the United States and some other countries that use the imperial or US customary system of measurement. One mile per minute is equal to 60 miles per hour or 96.56 kilometers per hour.

How to convert miles per minute

To convert miles per minute to other units of speed, we can use the following formulas:

  • To convert miles per minute to miles per hour, multiply by 60. For example, 3 miles per minute = 3 x 60 = 180 miles per hour.
  • To convert miles per minute to feet per second, multiply by 88. For example, 3 miles per minute = 3 x 88 = 264 feet per second.
  • To convert miles per minute to kilometers per hour, multiply by 96.56. For example, 3 miles per minute = 3 x 96.56 = 289.68 kilometers per hour.
  • To convert miles per minute to meters per second, multiply by 26.8224. For example, 3 miles per minute = 3 x 26.8224 = 80.4672 meters per second.
  • To convert miles per minute to knots, multiply by 51.852. For example, 3 miles per minute = 3 x 51.852 = 155.556 knots.
  • To convert miles per minute to mach, divide by 49.17. For example, 3 miles per minute = 3 / 49.17 = 0.061 mach.

Where miles per minute are used

Miles per minute are used in various contexts and applications that involve speed or distance measurement. Some examples are:

  • In aviation, miles per minute are used to measure the rate of climb or descent of an aircraft. For example, an aircraft that climbs at a rate of 5 miles per minute has a vertical speed of 300 feet per second or 1828 meters per minute.
  • In rail transport, miles per minute are used to measure the speed of trains or locomotives. For example, a train that travels at a speed of 2 miles per minute has a horizontal speed of 120 miles per hour or 193 kilometers per hour.
  • In sports, miles per minute are used to measure the pace or performance of runners or cyclists. For example, a runner who runs a mile in 4 minutes has a pace of 0.25 miles per minute or 15 minutes per mile.
  • In engineering, miles per minute are used to measure the rotational speed of machines or devices. For example, a fan that rotates at a speed of 0.1 miles per minute has an angular speed of 6 degrees per second or 0.105 radians per second.

Definition of the miles per minute

Miles per minute is defined as the ratio of the distance traveled in miles to the time elapsed in minutes. Mathematically, it can be expressed as:

Alternatively, it can be derived from the definition of the mile and the definition of the minute. A mile is defined as the length of one arc-minute along the equator of the Earth, which is approximately equal to 1609 meters. A minute is defined as one sixtieth of an hour, which is equal to 60 seconds.

History of miles per minute

The origin of the mile as a unit of length can be traced back to ancient Rome, where it was defined as one thousand paces or steps (mille passus in Latin). The Roman mile was about 1480 meters long and was divided into eight stadia or furlongs, each consisting of 125 paces.

The origin of the minute as a unit of time can be traced back to ancient Babylon, where it was defined as one sixtieth of an hour (mina in Babylonian). The Babylonian hour was based on the sexagesimal system of counting, which used base 60 instead of base 10. The Babylonian minute was about 4 seconds long and was divided into 60 seconds.

The combination of the mile and the minute as a unit of speed was first used in the 17th century by astronomers and navigators, who needed to measure the angular speed of celestial objects or the linear speed of ships. For example, in 1676, the Danish astronomer Ole Romer used miles per minute to estimate the speed of light by observing the eclipses of Jupiter’s moons.

The use of miles per minute as a unit of speed became more widespread in the 18th and 19th centuries, especially in the fields of transportation and engineering. For example, in 1804, the British engineer Richard Trevithick built the first steam locomotive that could reach a speed of one mile per minute. In 1903, the American brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright made the first powered flight that could achieve a speed of two miles per minute.

The use of miles per minute as a unit of speed declined in the 20th and 21st centuries, as more countries adopted the metric system and its units of speed, such as kilometers per hour or meters per second. However, miles per minute are still used in some contexts and applications, especially in the United States and some other countries that use the imperial or US customary system of measurement.

Example conversions of miles per minute to other units

Here are some examples of converting miles per minute to other units of speed:

  • 1 mile per minute = 60 miles per hour
  • 1 mile per minute = 88 feet per second
  • 1 mile per minute = 96.56 kilometers per hour
  • 1 mile per minute = 26.8224 meters per second
  • 1 mile per minute = 51.852 knots
  • 1 mile per minute = 0.0203 mach
  • 1 mile per minute = 0.0000052 light speed
Miles per minute also can be marked as mile/minute. Foot per minute also can be marked as foot/minute.

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