Pennyweights to Stones Converter (dwt to st)
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Pennyweights to Stones


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Convert Stones to Pennyweights (st to dwt) ▶

Conversion Table

pennyweights to stones
1000 dwt 0.2449 st
2000 dwt 0.4898 st
3000 dwt 0.7347 st
4000 dwt 0.9796 st
5000 dwt 1.2245 st
6000 dwt 1.4694 st
7000 dwt 1.7143 st
8000 dwt 1.9592 st
9000 dwt 2.2041 st
10000 dwt 2.449 st
11000 dwt 2.6939 st
12000 dwt 2.9388 st
13000 dwt 3.1837 st
14000 dwt 3.4286 st
15000 dwt 3.6735 st
16000 dwt 3.9184 st
17000 dwt 4.1633 st
18000 dwt 4.4082 st
19000 dwt 4.6531 st
20000 dwt 4.898 st

How to convert

1 pennyweight (dwt) = 0.000244898 stone (st). Pennyweight (dwt) is a unit of Weight used in Standard system. Stone (st) is a unit of Weight used in Standard system.

Pennyweights: A Unit of Weight

Pennyweights are a unit of weight that are used for measuring precious metals, such as gold, silver and platinum. Pennyweights are derived from the English word penny, which was the name of a coin used in the Middle Ages. The symbol for pennyweight is dwt.

How to Convert Pennyweights

Pennyweights can be converted to other units of weight by using conversion factors or formulas. Here are some examples of how to convert pennyweights to other units of weight in the US customary system and the SI system:

  • To convert pennyweights to avoirdupois ounces, divide by 18.2292. For example, 10 dwt = 10 / 18.2292 = 0.5486 oz.
  • To convert pennyweights to avoirdupois pounds, divide by 291.6667. For example, 5 dwt = 5 / 291.6667 = 0.0171 lb.
  • To convert pennyweights to tons (short), divide by 583333.33. For example, 20 dwt = 20 / 583333.33 = 0.000034 ton.
  • To convert pennyweights to kilograms, divide by 643.0149. For example, 15 dwt = 15 / 643.0149 = 0.0233 kg.
  • To convert pennyweights to grams, divide by 0.643. For example, 25 dwt = 25 / 0.643 = 38.8798 g.
  • To convert pennyweights to milligrams, multiply by 1555.1738. For example, 30 dwt = 30 x 1555.1738 = 46655.214 mg.

Stones: A Unit of Weight

Stones are a unit of weight that are used in the British imperial system and the US customary system. Stones are derived from the use of stones for weights, a practice that dates back to ancient times. The word stone comes from the Old English stan, meaning stone, and the abbreviation st comes from the Latin word statera, meaning balance.

How to Convert Stones

Stones can be converted to other units of weight by using conversion factors or formulas. Here are some examples of how to convert stones to other units of weight in the US customary system and the SI system:

  • To convert stones to pounds, multiply by 14. For example, 10 st = 10 x 14 = 140 lb.
  • To convert stones to ounces, multiply by 224. For example, 5 st = 5 x 224 = 1120 oz.
  • To convert stones to tons (short), divide by 142.857. For example, 20 st = 20 / 142.857 = 0.14 ton.
  • To convert stones to kilograms, multiply by 6.35. For example, 8 st = 8 x 6.35 = 50.8 kg.
  • To convert stones to grams, multiply by 6350. For example, 3 st = 3 x 6350 = 19050 g.
  • To convert stones to milligrams, multiply by 6350000. For example, 2 st = 2 x 6350000 = 12700000 mg.

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