Convert Centimeters Per Second to Millimeters Per Second (cm/s to mm/s) ▶ Conversion Table
How to convert1 millimeter per second (mm/s) = 0.1 centimeter per second (cm/s). Millimeter Per Second (mm/s) is a unit of Speed used in Metric system. Centimeter Per Second (cm/s) is a unit of Speed used in Metric system. How to convert millimeters per secondMillimeters per second can be converted to other units of speed or velocity by using simple conversion factors. Here are some common units and their conversion factors:
Where millimeters per second are usedMillimeters per second are mainly used in microbiology and nanotechnology to measure the speed or velocity of microscopic organisms and processes. For example, the average speed of a bacterium such as Escherichia coli is about 10-20 micrometers per second, which is equivalent to 0.01-0.02 mm/s. The average speed of a virus such as influenza A virus is about 1 micrometer per second, which is equivalent to 0.001 mm/s. The average speed of a nanorobot such as a DNA origami walker is about 4 nanometers per second, which is equivalent to 0.000004 mm/s. Definition of millimeters per secondAccording to the SI definition, one millimeter per second is the speed of a body that covers a distance of one millimeter in a time of one second. Mathematically, it can be expressed as:
where v is the speed or velocity in millimeters per second, s is the distance traveled in millimeters, and t is the time taken in seconds. History of millimeters per secondThe concept of speed or velocity has been studied since ancient times by philosophers and scientists such as Aristotle, Galileo, Newton, etc. The millimeter was originally derived from the meter in the late 18th century as one thousandth of a meter. The second was originally defined in terms of the Earth’s rotation as one eighty-six thousand four hundredth of a mean solar day. The combination of these two units resulted in the millimeter per second as a unit of speed or velocity. The millimeter per second was officially adopted as part of the SI system in 1960. Example conversions of millimeters per second to other unitsHere are some examples of converting millimeters per second to other units of speed or velocity:
Centimeters per second: A unit of speedCentimeters per second (cm/s) is a unit of speed or velocity in the International System of Units (SI). It measures how fast an object is moving by calculating the distance traveled in centimeters divided by the time taken in seconds. For example, if a snail travels 10 centimeters in 10 seconds, its speed is 1 cm/s. How to convert centimeters per secondCentimeters per second can be converted to other units of speed or velocity by using simple conversion factors. Here are some common units and their conversion factors:
Where centimeters per second are usedCentimeters per second are mainly used in biology and medicine to measure the speed or velocity of small organisms and processes. For example, the average speed of a common snail is about 1 cm/s. The average speed of blood flow in capillaries is about 0.5 cm/s. The average speed of nerve impulses in the human body is about 100 cm/s. Definition of centimeters per secondAccording to the SI definition, one centimeter per second is the speed of a body that covers a distance of one centimeter in a time of one second. Mathematically, it can be expressed as:
where v is the speed or velocity in centimeters per second, s is the distance traveled in centimeters, and t is the time taken in seconds. History of centimeters per secondThe concept of speed or velocity has been studied since ancient times by philosophers and scientists such as Aristotle, Galileo, Newton, etc. The centimeter was originally derived from the meter in the late 18th century as one hundredth of a meter. The second was originally defined in terms of the Earth’s rotation as one eighty-six thousand four hundredth of a mean solar day. The combination of these two units resulted in the centimeter per second as a unit of speed or velocity. The centimeter per second was officially adopted as part of the SI system in 1960. Example conversions of centimeters per second to other unitsHere are some examples of converting centimeters per second to other units of speed or velocity:
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Millimeters Per Second to Centimeters Per Second Centimeters Per Second to Centimeters Per Minute Centimeters Per Second to Feet Per Second Centimeters Per Second to Inches Per Second Centimeters Per Second to Knots Centimeters Per Second to Millimeters Per Second Centimeters Per Second to Miles Per Hour Centimeters Per Second to Meters Per Second Kilometers Per Second to Kilometers Per Hour Knots to Kilometers Per Hour Knots to Miles Per Hour Kilometers Per Hour to Kilometers Per Second Kilometers Per Hour to Knots Kilometers Per Hour to Light Speed Kilometers Per Hour to Mach Kilometers Per Hour to Miles Per Second Kilometers Per Hour to Miles Per Hour Kilometers Per Hour to Meters Per Second Light Speed to Kilometers Per Hour Light Speed to Miles Per Hour Mach to Kilometers Per Hour Mach to Miles Per Second Mach to Miles Per Hour Miles Per Second to Kilometers Per Hour Miles Per Second to Mach Miles Per Hour to Knots Miles Per Hour to Kilometers Per Hour Miles Per Hour to Light Speed Miles Per Hour to Mach Miles Per Hour to Meters Per Second Meters Per Second to Kilometers Per Hour Meters Per Second to Miles Per Hour |
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