Convert Miles Per Day to Mach (mi/day to M) ▶ Conversion Table
How to convert1 mach (M) = 18269 mile per day (mi/day). Mach (M) is a unit of Speed used in Metric system. Mile Per Day (mi/day) is a unit of Speed used in Standard system. Mach numberDefinition of MachMach, commonly denoted M or Ma, is a dimensionless quantity in fluid dynamics representing the ratio of flow velocity past a boundary to the local speed of sound. It is named after the Austrian physicist and philosopher Ernst Mach, who studied gas dynamics and shock waves. Mach number is used to classify the flow regimes based on the effects of compressibility and shock waves on the flow. How to Convert MachTo convert mach to other units of speed, we need to multiply by the local speed of sound in the medium, which depends on the temperature and pressure of the gas. For example, to convert mach to meters per second, we need to multiply by the speed of sound in air at sea level, which is about 340 m/s. To convert mach to kilometers per hour, we need to multiply by the speed of sound in air at sea level and by 3.6, since there are 3.6 seconds in one hour. Here are some examples of how to convert mach to other units of length in the US Standard system and the SI system:
Where Mach Is UsedMach is used in various fields of science and technology where the speed and direction of movement of objects or phenomena are measured or applied in relation to the speed of sound in the medium. For example:
History of MachThe concept of mach number was first introduced by Swiss engineer Jakob Ackeret in his doctoral thesis in 1929. He proposed it as a convenient way to express the ratio of flow velocity to speed of sound in gas dynamics problems. He also named it after Ernst Mach, who had conducted experiments on supersonic projectiles and shock waves in the late nineteenth century. The term mach number was later popularized by German-American engineer Theodore von Karman, who used it extensively in his research on aerodynamics and supersonic flight in the early twentieth century. He also established the first supersonic wind tunnel at Caltech in 1939. The first human-made object to break the sound barrier was a rocket-powered plane called Bell X-1 piloted by Chuck Yeager in October 1947. He achieved a speed of about Mach 1.06 at an altitude of 13,000 meters. The fastest unmanned aircraft ever flown was the NASA X-43A, which reached a speed of about Mach 9.6 in November 2004. Example Conversions of Mach to Other UnitsHere are some examples of how to convert mach to other units of speed, using the conversion factors given above:
Miles Per DayDefinition of Miles Per DayMiles per day (mi/d) is a unit of speed that measures how fast something is moving in terms of miles per unit of time. It is commonly used in the United States, the United Kingdom, and some other countries that use the US Standard system of measurement or have close historical ties with them. It is often used for measuring the average speed or distance traveled by an object or phenomenon over a period of time that is measured in days or longer. One mile per day is equal to 0.0416666667 miles per hour, or 0.0185185185 meters per second. It can also be converted to other units of speed, such as kilometers per hour, feet per second, or knots, by using appropriate conversion factors. How to Convert Miles Per DayTo convert miles per day to other units of speed, we need to multiply or divide by the corresponding conversion factors. For example, to convert miles per day to kilometers per hour, we need to multiply by 1.609344, since there are 1.609344 kilometers in one mile. To convert miles per day to meters per second, we need to multiply by 0.018518518518519, since there are 0.018518518518519 meters in one mile. Here are some examples of how to convert miles per day to other units of length in the US Standard system and the SI system:
Where Miles Per Day Are UsedMiles per day are mainly used for measuring the average speed or distance traveled by an object or phenomenon over a period of time that is measured in days or longer. They are often used in fields such as travel, fitness, sports, and geography, where the speed or distance traveled by an object or phenomenon is measured in terms of miles per unit of time. For example, a person may travel an average of 100 mi/d on a road trip across a country, which means that they cover an average distance of 100 miles in one day. A runner may run an average of 5 mi/d as part of their training routine, which means that they run a distance of 5 miles in one day. A planet may have an orbital velocity of thousands of miles per day, which means that it covers thousands of miles along its orbit in one day. Miles per day are also used in some other fields where the speed or distance traveled by an object or phenomenon is measured in terms of miles per unit of time. History of Miles Per DayThe origin of miles per day as a unit of speed can be traced back to the development of the US Standard system and the mile as a unit of length in the late eighteenth century. The mile was defined as one thousand six hundred and nine meters (or eight furlongs) based on the English statute mile. The term mile first appeared in English in the late fourteenth century, but it was not until later in the early nineteenth century that the use of miles per day became more common; before that, other units such as miles per hour or leagues per day were preferred for expressing speed. Miles per day have been used ever since as a standard unit of speed for measuring the average speed or distance traveled by an object or phenomenon over a period of time that is measured in days or longer. They have also been adopted by some international organizations and conventions, such as the International System of Units and the International Astronomical Union. Example Conversions of Miles Per Day to Other UnitsHere are some examples of how to convert miles per day to other units of speed, using the conversion factors given above:
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Mach to Feet Per Second Mach to Kilometers Per Day Mach to Kilometers Per Second Mach to Knots Mach to Kilometers Per Hour Mach to Light Speed Mach to Miles Per Day Mach to Miles Per Second Mach to Miles Per Hour Mach to Meters Per Second Miles Per Day to Knots Miles Per Day to Kilometers Per Hour Miles Per Day to Mach Miles Per Day to Miles Per Second Miles Per Day to Miles Per Hour Kilometers Per Second to Kilometers Per Hour Knots to Kilometers Per Hour Knots to Miles Per Hour Kilometers Per Hour to Kilometers Per Second Kilometers Per Hour to Knots Kilometers Per Hour to Light Speed Kilometers Per Hour to Mach Kilometers Per Hour to Miles Per Second Kilometers Per Hour to Miles Per Hour Kilometers Per Hour to Meters Per Second Light Speed to Kilometers Per Hour Light Speed to Miles Per Hour Mach to Kilometers Per Hour Mach to Miles Per Second Mach to Miles Per Hour Miles Per Second to Kilometers Per Hour Miles Per Second to Mach Miles Per Hour to Knots Miles Per Hour to Kilometers Per Hour Miles Per Hour to Light Speed Miles Per Hour to Mach Miles Per Hour to Meters Per Second Meters Per Second to Kilometers Per Hour Meters Per Second to Miles Per Hour |
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