Knots to Kilometers Per Minute Converter (kt to km/min)
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Knots to Kilometers Per Minute


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Conversion Table

knots to kilometers per minute
10 kt 0.3087 km/min
20 kt 0.6173 km/min
30 kt 0.926 km/min
40 kt 1.2347 km/min
50 kt 1.5433 km/min
60 kt 1.852 km/min
70 kt 2.1607 km/min
80 kt 2.4693 km/min
90 kt 2.778 km/min
100 kt 3.0867 km/min
110 kt 3.3953 km/min
120 kt 3.704 km/min
130 kt 4.0127 km/min
140 kt 4.3213 km/min
150 kt 4.63 km/min
160 kt 4.9387 km/min
170 kt 5.2473 km/min
180 kt 5.556 km/min
190 kt 5.8647 km/min
200 kt 6.1733 km/min

How to convert

1 knot (kt) = 0.030866667 kilometer per minute (km/min). Knot (kt) is a unit of Speed used in Standard system. Kilometer Per Minute (km/min) is a unit of Speed used in Metric system.


Definition of Knots

Knots, commonly denoted kn, is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour, exactly 1.852 km/h (approximately 1.151 mph or 0.514 m/s). It is the standard unit of speed used in meteorology, and in maritime and air navigation. A vessel travelling at 1 kn along a meridian travels approximately one minute of geographic latitude in one hour.

How to Convert Knots

To convert knots to other units of speed, we need to multiply or divide by the corresponding conversion factors. For example, to convert knots to kilometers per hour, we need to multiply by 1.852, since there are 1.852 kilometers in one nautical mile. To convert knots to meters per second, we need to divide by 3.6, since there are 3.6 seconds in one hour.

Here are some examples of how to convert knots to other units of length in the US Standard system and the SI system:

  • To convert 10 kn to kilometers per hour (km/h), we multiply by 1.852: 10 kn x 1.852 = 18.52 km/h
  • To convert 20 kn to miles per hour (mph), we multiply by 1.1507794480235, since there are 1.1507794480235 miles in one nautical mile: 20 kn x 1.1507794480235 = 23.01558896047 mph
  • To convert 30 kn to feet per second (fps), we multiply by 1.6878098571012, since there are 1.6878098571012 feet in one meter: 30 kn x 1.6878098571012 = 50.634295713036 fps
  • To convert 40 kn to meters per second (m/s), we divide by 3.6: 40 kn / 3.6 = 11.111111111111 m/s
  • To convert 50 kn to meters per minute (m/min), we multiply by 60, since there are 60 minutes in one hour: 50 kn x 60 = 3,000 m/min
  • To convert 60 kn to centimeters per second (cm/s), we multiply by 100, since there are 100 centimeters in one meter, and divide by 3.6: 60 kn x 100 / 3.6 = 5,000 cm/s

Where Knots Are Used

Knots are used in various fields of science and technology where the speed and direction of movement of objects or phenomena are measured or applied in relation to water or air currents. For example:

  • In meteorology, knots are used to measure wind speed and direction, as well as the speed and direction of storms, hurricanes, and other weather phenomena.
  • In maritime navigation, knots are used to measure the speed and direction of ships, boats, submarines, and other watercraft, as well as the speed and direction of ocean currents, tides, and waves.
  • In air navigation, knots are used to measure the speed and direction of aircraft, helicopters, rockets, satellites, and other aerospace vehicles, as well as the speed and direction of air currents, jet streams, and wind shear.

History of Knots

The origin of knots as a unit of speed can be traced back to the ancient practice of measuring the speed of ships by using a device called a chip log or log-line. This device consisted of a wooden board attached to a rope with knots tied at regular intervals along its length. The board was thrown overboard from the stern of the ship and allowed to drag behind it while the rope was let out for a fixed amount of time (usually measured by a sandglass). The number of knots that passed over the rail of the ship during that time indicated the speed of the ship in nautical miles per hour.

The first recorded use of this method was by the Phoenicians around the second millennium BCE. The device was later improved and standardized by various civilizations such as the Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Vikings, Chinese, and Europeans. The length of the nautical mile and the spacing of the knots varied from place to place and from time to time until they were fixed by international agreement in the late nineteenth century.

The term knot was derived from the Old English word cnotta meaning “a knot”. It was first used as a unit of speed by English sailors in the early seventeenth century.

Example Conversions of Knots to Other Units

Here are some examples of how to convert knots to other units of speed, using the conversion factors given above:

  • To convert 100 kn to kilometers per hour, we multiply by 1.852: 100 kn x 1.852 = 185.2 km/h
  • To convert 200 kn to miles per hour, we multiply by 1.1507794480235: 200 kn x 1.1507794480235 = 230.15589792094 mph
  • To convert 300 kn to feet per second, we multiply by 1.6878098571012: 300 kn x 1.6878098571012 = 506.34295713011 fps
  • To convert 400 kn to meters per second, we divide by 3.6: 400 kn / 3.6 = 111.11111111111 m/s
  • To convert 500 kn to meters per minute, we multiply by 60: 500 kn x 60 = 30,000 m/min
  • To convert 600 kn to centimeters per second, we multiply by 100 and divide by 3.6: 600 kn x 100 / 3.6 = 50,000 cm/s
  • To convert 700 kn to millimeters per minute, we multiply by 1000, since there are 1000 millimeters in one meter, and multiply by 60: 700 kn x 1000 x 60 = 42,000,000 mm/min
Knots can be also marked as kn. 1 international knot = 1 nautical mile per hour.

Kilometers per minute: A unit of speed

Kilometers per minute (km/min) is a unit of speed or velocity in the International System of Units (SI). It measures how fast an object is moving by calculating the distance traveled in kilometers divided by the time taken in minutes. For example, if a train travels 3 kilometers in 2 minutes, its speed is 1.5 km/min.

How to convert kilometers per minute

Kilometers per minute can be converted to other units of speed or velocity by using simple conversion factors. Here are some common units and their conversion factors:

  • Meters per second (m/s): To convert from km/min to m/s, multiply by 16.6667. To convert from m/s to km/min, divide by 16.6667. For example, 1 km/min is equal to 16.6667 m/s, and 10 m/s is equal to 0.6 km/min.
  • Kilometers per hour (km/h): To convert from km/min to km/h, multiply by 60. To convert from km/h to km/min, divide by 60. For example, 1 km/min is equal to 60 km/h, and 50 km/h is equal to 0.833333 km/min.
  • Miles per hour (mph): To convert from km/min to mph, multiply by 37.2823. To convert from mph to km/min, divide by 37.2823. For example, 1 km/min is equal to 37.2823 mph, and 30 mph is equal to 0.804672 km/min.
  • Knots (kn): To convert from km/min to kn, multiply by 32.3974. To convert from kn to km/min, divide by 32.3974. For example, 1 km/min is equal to 32.3974 kn, and 15 kn is equal to 0.462963 km/min.
  • Feet per minute (ft/min): To convert from km/min to ft/min, multiply by 3280.8399. To convert from ft/min to km/min, divide by 3280.8399. For example, 1 km/min is equal to 3280.8399 ft/min, and 10 ft/min is equal to 0.003048 km/min.
  • Inches per minute (in/min): To convert from km/min to in/min, multiply by 39370.0787. To convert from in/min to km/min, divide by 39370.0787. For example,1 km/min is equal to 39370.0787 in/min, and 20 in/min is equal to 0.000508 km/min.

Where kilometers per minute are used

Kilometers per minute are mainly used in transportation and sports to measure the speed or velocity of vehicles and athletes.

For example, the maximum speed of a Formula One car is about 5 km/min or about 300 km/h.

The average speed of a marathon runner is about 0.35 km/min or about 21 km/h.

The cruising speed of a commercial jet airliner is about 16.67 km/min or about 1000 km/h.

Definition of kilometers per minute

According to the SI definition, one kilometer per minute is the speed of a body that covers a distance of one kilometer in a time of one minute.

Mathematically, it can be expressed as:

where v is the speed or velocity in kilometers per minute, s is the distance traveled in kilometers, and t is the time taken in minutes.

History of kilometers per minute

The concept of speed or velocity has been studied since ancient times by philosophers and scientists such as Aristotle, Galileo, Newton, etc.

The kilometer was originally derived from the French kilometer which was defined as one thousand meters.

The minute was originally derived from the Babylonian sexagesimal system which divided an hour into sixty minutes.

The combination of these two units resulted in the kilometer per minute as a unit of speed or velocity.

The kilometer per minute was officially adopted as part of the SI system in 1960.

Example conversions of kilometers per minute to other units

Here are some examples of converting kilometers per minute to other units of speed or velocity:

1 km/min = 16.6667 m/s = 60 km/h = 37.2823mph = 32.3974kn = 3280.8399 ft/min = 39370.0787 in/min
2 km/min = 33.3333 m/s = 120 km/h = 74.5646mph = 64.7948kn = 6561.6798 ft/min = 78740.1574 in/min
5 km/min = 83.3333 m/s = 300 km/h = 186.411mph = 161.987kn = 16404.1995 ft/min = 196850.3937 in/min
10 km/min = 166.667 m/s = 600 km/h = 372.823mph = 323.974kn = 32808.399 ft/min = 393700.7874 in/min
20 km/min = 333.333 m/s = 1200 km/h = 745.645mph = 647.948kn = 65616.798 ft/min = 787401.5748 in/min
50 km/min = 833.333 m/s = 3000 km/h = 1864.11 mph = 1619.87 kn = 164042 ft/min = 1968504 in/min
100 km/min = 1666.67 m/s = 6000 km/h = 3728.23 mph = 3239.74 kn = 328084 ft/min = 3937008 in/min

Kilometers per minute also can be marked as km/min and Kilometres per minute(alternative British English spelling in UK).

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