Kilometers Per Second to Inches Per Minute Converter (km/s to in/min)
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Kilometers Per Second to Inches Per Minute


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Conversion Table

kilometers per second to inches per minute
1 km/s 2362204.72 in/min
2 km/s 4724409.44 in/min
3 km/s 7086614.16 in/min
4 km/s 9448818.88 in/min
5 km/s 11811023.6 in/min
6 km/s 14173228.32 in/min
7 km/s 16535433.04 in/min
8 km/s 18897637.76 in/min
9 km/s 21259842.48 in/min
10 km/s 23622047.2 in/min
11 km/s 25984251.92 in/min
12 km/s 28346456.64 in/min
13 km/s 30708661.36 in/min
14 km/s 33070866.08 in/min
15 km/s 35433070.8 in/min
16 km/s 37795275.52 in/min
17 km/s 40157480.24 in/min
18 km/s 42519684.96 in/min
19 km/s 44881889.68 in/min
20 km/s 47244094.4 in/min

How to convert

1 kilometer per second (km/s) = 2362204.72 inch per minute (in/min). Kilometer Per Second (km/s) is a unit of Speed used in Metric system. Inch Per Minute (in/min) is a unit of Speed used in Standard system.

Kilometers per second: A unit of speed

Kilometers per second (km/s) is a unit of speed or velocity in the International System of Units (SI). It measures how fast an object is moving by calculating the distance traveled in kilometers divided by the time taken in seconds. For example, if a rocket travels 10 kilometers in 5 seconds, its speed is 2 km/s.

How to convert kilometers per second

Kilometers per second can be converted to other units of speed or velocity by using simple conversion factors. Here are some common units and their conversion factors:

  • Meters per second (m/s): To convert from km/s to m/s, multiply by 1000. To convert from m/s to km/s, divide by 1000. For example, 2 km/s is equal to 2000 m/s, and 500 m/s is equal to 0.5 km/s.
  • Kilometers per hour (km/h): To convert from km/s to km/h, multiply by 3600. To convert from km/h to km/s, divide by 3600. For example, 2 km/s is equal to 7200 km/h, and 100 km/h is equal to 0.028 km/s.
  • Miles per hour (mph): To convert from km/s to mph, multiply by 2236.94. To convert from mph to km/s, divide by 2236.94. For example, 2 km/s is equal to 4473.88 mph, and 60 mph is equal to 0.027 km/s.
  • Knots (kn): To convert from km/s to kn, multiply by 1943.84. To convert from kn to km/s, divide by 1943.84. For example, 2 km/s is equal to 3887.68 kn, and 30 kn is equal to 0.015 km/s.
  • Feet per second (ft/s): To convert from km/s to ft/s, multiply by 3280.84. To convert from ft/s to km/s, divide by 3280.84. For example, 2 km/s is equal to 6561.68 ft/s, and 100 ft/s is equal to 0.03 km/s.
  • Miles per second (mi/s): To convert from km/s to mi/s, multiply by 0.621371. To convert from mi/s to km/s, divide by 0.621371. For example, 2 km/s is equal to 1.24 mi/s, and 1 mi/s is equal to 1.61 km/s.

Where kilometers per second are used

Kilometers per second are mainly used in astronomy and space science to measure the speed or velocity of celestial bodies and spacecrafts.

For example, the Earth orbits the Sun at an average speed of about 30 km/s.

The Moon orbits the Earth at an average speed of about 1 km/s.

The International Space Station orbits the Earth at an average speed of about 7.66 km/s.

The Voyager 1 spacecraft, which is the farthest human-made object from Earth, travels at a speed of about 17 km/s.

The speed of light in a vacuum is about 300000 km/s.

Definition of kilometers per second

According to the SI definition, one kilometer per second is the speed of a body that covers a distance of one kilometer in a time of one second.

Mathematically, it can be expressed as:

where v is the speed or velocity in kilometers per second, s is the distance traveled in kilometers, and t is the time taken in seconds.

History of kilometers per second

The concept of speed or velocity has been studied since ancient times by philosophers and scientists such as Aristotle, Galileo, Newton, etc.

The kilometer was originally defined in 1793 by the French Academy of Sciences as one ten-millionth of the distance from the equator to the North Pole along a meridian through Paris.

The second was originally defined in terms of the Earth’s rotation as one eighty-six thousand four hundredth of a mean solar day.

The combination of these two units resulted in the kilometer per second as a unit of speed or velocity.

The kilometer per second was officially adopted as part of the SI system in 1960.

Example conversions of kilometers per second to other units

Here are some examples of converting kilometers per second to other units of speed or velocity:

  • 1 km/s =1000 m/s = 3600 km/h = 2236.94 mph = 1943.84 kn = 3280.84 ft/s = 0.62 mi/s
  • 2 km/s = 2000 m/s = 7200 km/h = 4473.88 mph = 3887.68 kn = 6561.68 ft/s = 1.24 mi/s
  • 5 km/s = 5000 m/s = 18000 km/h = 11184.7 mph = 9721.92 kn = 16404.2 ft/s = 3.11 mi/s
  • 10 km/s = 10000 m/s = 36000 km/h = 22369.4 mph = 19438.4 kn = 32808.4 ft/s = 6.21 mi/s
  • 20 km/s = 20000 m/s = 72000 km/h = 44738.8 mph = 38876.8 kn = 65616.8 ft/s = 12.43 mi/s
  • 50 km/s = 50000 m/s = 180000 km/h = 111847 mph = 97219.2 kn = 164042 ft/s = 31.07 mi/s
  • 100 km/s = 100000 m/s = 360000 km/h = 223694 mph = 194384 kn = 328084 ft/s = 62.14 mi/s
Kilometers per second also can be marked as km/s and kilometres per second(alternative British English spelling in UK).

Inches Per Minute

Definition of Inches Per Minute

Inches per minute (ipm) is a unit of speed that measures how fast something is moving in terms of inches per unit of time. It is commonly used in machining applications, such as when describing the feed rate of a milling machine or a drill bit. The feed rate is the distance that the tool moves along the workpiece in one minute.

One inch per minute is equal to 0.00042333333333333 meters per second, or 0.0254 meters per minute. It can also be converted to other units of speed, such as feet per minute, miles per hour, or kilometers per hour, by using appropriate conversion factors.

How to Convert Inches Per Minute

To convert inches per minute to other units of speed, we need to multiply or divide by the corresponding conversion factors. For example, to convert inches per minute to feet per minute, we need to multiply by 12, since there are 12 inches in one foot. To convert inches per minute to miles per hour, we need to multiply by 0.056818181818182, since there are 0.056818181818182 miles in one inch.

Here are some examples of how to convert inches per minute to other units of length in the US Standard system and the SI system:

  • To convert 10 ipm to feet per minute (fpm), we multiply by 12: 10 ipm x 12 = 120 fpm
  • To convert 20 ipm to yards per minute (ypm), we divide by 36, since there are 36 inches in one yard: 20 ipm / 36 = 0.55555555555556 ypm
  • To convert 30 ipm to miles per hour (mph), we multiply by 0.056818181818182: 30 ipm x 0.056818181818182 = 1.7045454545455 mph
  • To convert 40 ipm to millimeters per minute (mm/min), we multiply by 25.4, since there are 25.4 millimeters in one inch: 40 ipm x 25.4 = 1016 mm/min
  • To convert 50 ipm to centimeters per minute (cm/min), we multiply by 2.54, since there are 2.54 centimeters in one inch: 50 ipm x 2.54 = 127 cm/min
  • To convert 60 ipm to meters per minute (m/min), we multiply by 0.0254, since there are 0.0254 meters in one inch: 60 ipm x 0.0254 = 1.524 m/min

Where Inches Per Minute Are Used

Inches per minute are mainly used in the United States and other countries that use the US Standard system of measurement. They are often used in machining applications, such as milling, drilling, turning, and cutting, where the feed rate of the tool is an important parameter that affects the quality and efficiency of the process.

For example, a milling machine may have a feed rate of 100 ipm, which means that the tool moves along the workpiece at a speed of 100 inches per minute. A drill bit may have a feed rate of 20 ipm, which means that it advances into the material at a speed of 20 inches per minute.

Inches per minute are also used in some other fields, such as woodworking, printing, sewing, and conveyor belts, where the speed of movement is measured in inches per unit of time.

History of Inches Per Minute

The origin of inches per minute as a unit of speed can be traced back to the development of machining tools and techniques in the Industrial Revolution. As machines became more advanced and precise, there was a need for a standard unit of measurement that could describe the speed and feed rate of the tools.

Inches per minute were chosen as a convenient and simple unit that could be easily calculated and adjusted based on the size and type of the tool and the material being worked on. Inches were already a common unit of length in the US Standard system, so they were easy to apply and understand.

Inches per minute have been used ever since as a standard unit of speed for machining applications in the United States and other countries that use the US Standard system. They have also been adopted by some other fields that involve movement in inches per unit of time.

Example Conversions of Inches Per Minute to Other Units

Here are some examples of how to convert inches per minute to other units of speed, using the conversion factors given above:

  • To convert 100 ipm to feet per minute, we multiply by 12: 100 ipm x 12 = 1200 fpm
  • To convert 200 ipm to yards per minute, we divide by 36: 200 ipm / 36 = 5.5555555555556 ypm
  • To convert 300 ipm to miles per hour, we multiply by 0.056818181818182: 300 ipm x 0.056818181818182 = 17.045454545455 mph
  • To convert 400 ipm to millimeters per minute, we multiply by 25.4: 400 ipm x 25.4 = 10160 mm/min
  • To convert 500 ipm to centimeters per minute, we multiply by 2.54: 500 ipm x 2.54 = 1270 cm/min
  • To convert 600 ipm to meters per minute, we multiply by 0.0254: 600 ipm x 0.0254 = 15.24 m/min
  • To convert 700 ipm to kilometers per hour, we multiply by 0.09144, since there are 0.09144 kilometers in one inch: 700 ipm x 0.09144 = 64.008 km/h
Inch per minute also can be marked as inch/minute.

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