Kilometers Per Minute to Light Speed Converter (km/min to ls)
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Kilometers Per Minute to Light Speed


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Conversion Table

kilometers per minute to light speed
1000000 km/min 0.0556 ls
2000000 km/min 0.1112 ls
3000000 km/min 0.1668 ls
4000000 km/min 0.2224 ls
5000000 km/min 0.278 ls
6000000 km/min 0.3336 ls
7000000 km/min 0.3892 ls
8000000 km/min 0.4448 ls
9000000 km/min 0.5003 ls
10000000 km/min 0.5559 ls
11000000 km/min 0.6115 ls
12000000 km/min 0.6671 ls
13000000 km/min 0.7227 ls
14000000 km/min 0.7783 ls
15000000 km/min 0.8339 ls
16000000 km/min 0.8895 ls
17000000 km/min 0.9451 ls
18000000 km/min 1.0007 ls
19000000 km/min 1.0563 ls
20000000 km/min 1.1119 ls

How to convert

1 kilometer per minute (km/min) = 5.5594E-08 light speed (ls). Kilometer Per Minute (km/min) is a unit of Speed used in Metric system. Light Speed (ls) is a unit of Speed used in Metric system.

Kilometers per minute: A unit of speed

Kilometers per minute (km/min) is a unit of speed or velocity in the International System of Units (SI). It measures how fast an object is moving by calculating the distance traveled in kilometers divided by the time taken in minutes. For example, if a train travels 3 kilometers in 2 minutes, its speed is 1.5 km/min.

How to convert kilometers per minute

Kilometers per minute can be converted to other units of speed or velocity by using simple conversion factors. Here are some common units and their conversion factors:

  • Meters per second (m/s): To convert from km/min to m/s, multiply by 16.6667. To convert from m/s to km/min, divide by 16.6667. For example, 1 km/min is equal to 16.6667 m/s, and 10 m/s is equal to 0.6 km/min.
  • Kilometers per hour (km/h): To convert from km/min to km/h, multiply by 60. To convert from km/h to km/min, divide by 60. For example, 1 km/min is equal to 60 km/h, and 50 km/h is equal to 0.833333 km/min.
  • Miles per hour (mph): To convert from km/min to mph, multiply by 37.2823. To convert from mph to km/min, divide by 37.2823. For example, 1 km/min is equal to 37.2823 mph, and 30 mph is equal to 0.804672 km/min.
  • Knots (kn): To convert from km/min to kn, multiply by 32.3974. To convert from kn to km/min, divide by 32.3974. For example, 1 km/min is equal to 32.3974 kn, and 15 kn is equal to 0.462963 km/min.
  • Feet per minute (ft/min): To convert from km/min to ft/min, multiply by 3280.8399. To convert from ft/min to km/min, divide by 3280.8399. For example, 1 km/min is equal to 3280.8399 ft/min, and 10 ft/min is equal to 0.003048 km/min.
  • Inches per minute (in/min): To convert from km/min to in/min, multiply by 39370.0787. To convert from in/min to km/min, divide by 39370.0787. For example,1 km/min is equal to 39370.0787 in/min, and 20 in/min is equal to 0.000508 km/min.

Where kilometers per minute are used

Kilometers per minute are mainly used in transportation and sports to measure the speed or velocity of vehicles and athletes.

For example, the maximum speed of a Formula One car is about 5 km/min or about 300 km/h.

The average speed of a marathon runner is about 0.35 km/min or about 21 km/h.

The cruising speed of a commercial jet airliner is about 16.67 km/min or about 1000 km/h.

Definition of kilometers per minute

According to the SI definition, one kilometer per minute is the speed of a body that covers a distance of one kilometer in a time of one minute.

Mathematically, it can be expressed as:

where v is the speed or velocity in kilometers per minute, s is the distance traveled in kilometers, and t is the time taken in minutes.

History of kilometers per minute

The concept of speed or velocity has been studied since ancient times by philosophers and scientists such as Aristotle, Galileo, Newton, etc.

The kilometer was originally derived from the French kilometer which was defined as one thousand meters.

The minute was originally derived from the Babylonian sexagesimal system which divided an hour into sixty minutes.

The combination of these two units resulted in the kilometer per minute as a unit of speed or velocity.

The kilometer per minute was officially adopted as part of the SI system in 1960.

Example conversions of kilometers per minute to other units

Here are some examples of converting kilometers per minute to other units of speed or velocity:

1 km/min = 16.6667 m/s = 60 km/h = 37.2823mph = 32.3974kn = 3280.8399 ft/min = 39370.0787 in/min
2 km/min = 33.3333 m/s = 120 km/h = 74.5646mph = 64.7948kn = 6561.6798 ft/min = 78740.1574 in/min
5 km/min = 83.3333 m/s = 300 km/h = 186.411mph = 161.987kn = 16404.1995 ft/min = 196850.3937 in/min
10 km/min = 166.667 m/s = 600 km/h = 372.823mph = 323.974kn = 32808.399 ft/min = 393700.7874 in/min
20 km/min = 333.333 m/s = 1200 km/h = 745.645mph = 647.948kn = 65616.798 ft/min = 787401.5748 in/min
50 km/min = 833.333 m/s = 3000 km/h = 1864.11 mph = 1619.87 kn = 164042 ft/min = 1968504 in/min
100 km/min = 1666.67 m/s = 6000 km/h = 3728.23 mph = 3239.74 kn = 328084 ft/min = 3937008 in/min

Kilometers per minute also can be marked as km/min and Kilometres per minute(alternative British English spelling in UK).

Light Speed

Definition of Light Speed

Light speed, commonly denoted c, is a universal physical constant that is exactly equal to 299,792,458 metres per second (approximately 300,000 kilometres per second; 186,000 miles per second; 671 million miles per hour). It is the speed at which light waves propagate through vacuum, and also the upper limit for the speed at which any form of matter or energy can travel through space. Light speed is an essential parameter in the theories of relativity and electromagnetism, and has relevance beyond the context of light and electromagnetic waves.

How to Convert Light Speed

To convert light speed to other units of speed, we need to multiply or divide by the corresponding conversion factors. For example, to convert light speed to kilometers per hour, we need to multiply by 3,600, since there are 3,600 seconds in one hour. To convert light speed to miles per hour, we need to multiply by 2.2369362920544, since there are 2.2369362920544 miles in one kilometer.

Here are some examples of how to convert light speed to other units of length in the US Standard system and the SI system:

  • To convert c to kilometers per hour (km/h), we multiply by 3,600: c x 3,600 = 1,079,252,848.8 km/h
  • To convert c to miles per hour (mph), we multiply by 2.2369362920544: c x 2.2369362920544 = 670,616,629.384 mph
  • To convert c to feet per second (fps), we multiply by 3.2808398950131, since there are 3.2808398950131 feet in one meter: c x 3.2808398950131 = 983,571,056.43 fps
  • To convert c to knots (kn), we multiply by 1.9438444924406, since there are 1.9438444924406 nautical miles in one kilometer: c x 1.9438444924406 = 582,749,918.284 kn
  • To convert c to meters per second (m/s), we use the exact value: c = 299,792,458 m/s
  • To convert c to meters per minute (m/min), we multiply by 60, since there are 60 seconds in one minute: c x 60 = 17,987,547,480 m/min

Where Light Speed Is Used

Light speed is used in various fields of science and technology where the properties and behavior of light and electromagnetic waves are studied or applied. For example:

  • In astronomy and cosmology, light speed is used to measure astronomical distances and time scales, such as light-years and parsecs. It also determines the observable size and age of the universe and the effects of gravity on light such as gravitational lensing and gravitational redshift.
  • In physics and engineering, light speed is used to calculate the energy and momentum of particles and fields using the famous equation E = mc2. It also sets the limit for causality and information transfer in physical systems.
  • In communication and navigation, light speed is used to determine the delay and bandwidth of signals transmitted through various media such as optical fibers or radio waves. It also affects the accuracy and precision of measurements based on time-of-flight or Doppler effect methods.

History of Light Speed

The concept of light speed has a long history that spans across different cultures and disciplines. Some of the milestones in its development are:

  • In ancient times, many philosophers and scientists assumed that light traveled instantaneously or infinitely fast.
  • In the late 17th century, Danish astronomer Ole Romer was the first to demonstrate that light had a finite speed by observing the apparent motion of Jupiter’s moon Io. He estimated that light took about 22 minutes to cross the diameter of Earth’s orbit.
  • In the early 18th century, English astronomer James Bradley discovered the aberration of starlight caused by Earth’s motion around the Sun. He used this phenomenon to calculate that light traveled about 10 thousand times faster than Earth’s orbital speed.
  • In the late 19th century, French physicist Hippolyte Fizeau and American physicist Albert Michelson conducted various experiments using rotating mirrors or interferometers to measure the speed of light more accurately in air or vacuum.
  • In the early 20th century, German-born physicist Albert Einstein proposed the special theory of relativity, which postulated that light speed was constant and independent of the motion of the source or the observer. He also showed that light speed was the maximum speed for any form of matter or energy in the universe.
  • In the late 20th century, various methods and standards were developed to define and measure light speed more precisely and consistently. In 1983, the International System of Units (SI) adopted the exact value of 299,792,458 metres per second as the definition of light speed in vacuum.

Example Conversions of Light Speed to Other Units

Here are some examples of how to convert light speed to other units of speed, using the conversion factors given above:

  • To convert c to kilometers per hour, we multiply by 3,600: c x 3,600 = 1,079,252,848.8 km/h
  • To convert c to miles per hour, we multiply by 2.2369362920544: c x 2.2369362920544 = 670,616,629.384 mph
  • To convert c to feet per second, we multiply by 3.2808398950131: c x 3.2808398950131 = 983,571,056.43 fps
  • To convert c to knots, we multiply by 1.9438444924406: c x 1.9438444924406 = 582,749,918.284 kn
  • To convert c to meters per second, we use the exact value: c = 299,792,458 m/s
  • To convert c to meters per minute, we multiply by 60: c x 60 = 17,987,547,480 m/min
  • To convert c to centimeters per second, we multiply by 100: c x 100 = 29,979,245,800 cm/s
Light speed also can be marked as c and speed of light.

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