Convert Feet Per Minute to Feet Per Second (ft/min to fps) ▶ Conversion Table
How to convert1 foot per second (fps) = 60 foot per minute (ft/min). Foot Per Second (fps) is a unit of Speed used in Standard system. Foot Per Minute (ft/min) is a unit of Speed used in Standard system. Feet per second: A unit of speedFeet per second (ft/s) is a unit of speed or velocity in the US customary and imperial systems. It measures how fast an object is moving by calculating the distance traveled in feet divided by the time taken in seconds. For example, if a person walks 10 feet in 2 seconds, their speed is 5 ft/s. How to convert feet per secondFeet per second can be converted to other units of speed or velocity by using simple conversion factors. Here are some common units and their conversion factors:
Where feet per second are usedFeet per second are mainly used in engineering and aviation to measure the speed or velocity of machines and aircrafts. For example, the speed of sound in air at sea level is about 343 m/s or about 1125 ft/s. The maximum speed of a Boeing 747 jet airliner is about 988 km/h or about 2717 ft/s. The average speed of a bullet fired from a handgun is about 1200 ft/s. Definition of feet per secondAccording to the US customary and imperial systems definition, one foot per second is the speed of a body that covers a distance of one foot in a time of one second. Mathematically, it can be expressed as:
where v is the speed or velocity in feet per second, s is the distance traveled in feet, and t is the time taken in seconds. History of feet per secondThe concept of speed or velocity has been studied since ancient times by philosophers and scientists such as Aristotle, Galileo, Newton, etc. The foot was originally derived from the Roman foot which was defined as one third of a yard or about 11.65 inches. The second was originally defined in terms of the Earth’s rotation as one eighty-six thousand four hundredth of a mean solar day. The combination of these two units resulted in the foot per second as a unit of speed or velocity. The foot per second was officially adopted as part of the US customary and imperial systems in the late 18th century. Example conversions of feet per second to other unitsHere are some examples of converting feet per second to other units of speed or velocity: 1 ft/s = 0.3048 m/s = 1.09728 km/h = 0.681818 mph = 0.592484 kn = 12 in/s = 0.000189394 mi/s Español Russian Français |
Feet Per Second to Centimeters Per Second Feet Per Second to Knots Feet Per Second to Kilometers Per Hour Feet Per Second to Mach Feet Per Second to Miles Per Minute Feet Per Second to Miles Per Second Feet Per Second to Miles Per Hour Feet Per Second to Meters Per Second Feet Per Minute to Miles Per Minute Kilometers Per Second to Kilometers Per Hour Knots to Kilometers Per Hour Knots to Miles Per Hour Kilometers Per Hour to Kilometers Per Second Kilometers Per Hour to Knots Kilometers Per Hour to Light Speed Kilometers Per Hour to Mach Kilometers Per Hour to Miles Per Second Kilometers Per Hour to Miles Per Hour Kilometers Per Hour to Meters Per Second Light Speed to Kilometers Per Hour Light Speed to Miles Per Hour Mach to Kilometers Per Hour Mach to Miles Per Second Mach to Miles Per Hour Miles Per Second to Kilometers Per Hour Miles Per Second to Mach Miles Per Hour to Knots Miles Per Hour to Kilometers Per Hour Miles Per Hour to Light Speed Miles Per Hour to Mach Miles Per Hour to Meters Per Second Meters Per Second to Kilometers Per Hour Meters Per Second to Miles Per Hour |
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