Feet Per Second to Centimeters Per Minute Converter (fps to cm/min)
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Feet Per Second to Centimeters Per Minute


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Conversion Table

feet per second to centimeters per minute
1 fps 1828.8 cm/min
2 fps 3657.6 cm/min
3 fps 5486.4 cm/min
4 fps 7315.2 cm/min
5 fps 9144 cm/min
6 fps 10972.8 cm/min
7 fps 12801.6 cm/min
8 fps 14630.4 cm/min
9 fps 16459.2 cm/min
10 fps 18288 cm/min
11 fps 20116.8 cm/min
12 fps 21945.6 cm/min
13 fps 23774.4 cm/min
14 fps 25603.2 cm/min
15 fps 27432 cm/min
16 fps 29260.8 cm/min
17 fps 31089.6 cm/min
18 fps 32918.4 cm/min
19 fps 34747.2 cm/min
20 fps 36576 cm/min

How to convert

1 foot per second (fps) = 1828.8 centimeter per minute (cm/min). Foot Per Second (fps) is a unit of Speed used in Standard system. Centimeter Per Minute (cm/min) is a unit of Speed used in Metric system.

Feet per second: A unit of speed

Feet per second (ft/s) is a unit of speed or velocity in the US customary and imperial systems. It measures how fast an object is moving by calculating the distance traveled in feet divided by the time taken in seconds. For example, if a person walks 10 feet in 2 seconds, their speed is 5 ft/s.

How to convert feet per second

Feet per second can be converted to other units of speed or velocity by using simple conversion factors. Here are some common units and their conversion factors:

  • Meters per second (m/s): To convert from ft/s to m/s, multiply by 0.3048. To convert from m/s to ft/s, divide by 0.3048. For example, 1 ft/s is equal to 0.3048 m/s, and 10 m/s is equal to 32.8084 ft/s.
  • Kilometers per hour (km/h): To convert from ft/s to km/h, multiply by 1.09728. To convert from km/h to ft/s, divide by 1.09728. For example, 1 ft/s is equal to 1.09728 km/h, and 50 km/h is equal to 45.8734 ft/s.
  • Miles per hour (mph): To convert from ft/s to mph, multiply by 0.681818. To convert from mph to ft/s, divide by 0.681818. For example, 1 ft/s is equal to 0.681818 mph, and 30 mph is equal to 44 ft/s.
  • Knots (kn): To convert from ft/s to kn, multiply by 0.592484. To convert from kn to ft/s, divide by 0.592484. For example, 1 ft/s is equal to 0.592484 kn, and 15 kn is equal to 25.3281 ft/s.
  • Inches per second (in/s): To convert from ft/s to in/s, multiply by 12. To convert from in/s to ft/s, divide by 12. For example, 1 ft/s is equal to 12 in/s, and 20 in/s is equal to 1.66667 ft/s.
  • Miles per second (mi/s): To convert from ft/s to mi/s, multiply by 0.000189394. To convert from mi/s to ft/s, divide by 0.000189394. For example, 1 ft/s is equal to 0.000189394 mi/s, and 1 mi/s is equal to 5280 ft/s.

Where feet per second are used

Feet per second are mainly used in engineering and aviation to measure the speed or velocity of machines and aircrafts.

For example, the speed of sound in air at sea level is about 343 m/s or about 1125 ft/s.

The maximum speed of a Boeing 747 jet airliner is about 988 km/h or about 2717 ft/s.

The average speed of a bullet fired from a handgun is about 1200 ft/s.

Definition of feet per second

According to the US customary and imperial systems definition, one foot per second is the speed of a body that covers a distance of one foot in a time of one second.

Mathematically, it can be expressed as:

where v is the speed or velocity in feet per second, s is the distance traveled in feet, and t is the time taken in seconds.

History of feet per second

The concept of speed or velocity has been studied since ancient times by philosophers and scientists such as Aristotle, Galileo, Newton, etc.

The foot was originally derived from the Roman foot which was defined as one third of a yard or about 11.65 inches.

The second was originally defined in terms of the Earth’s rotation as one eighty-six thousand four hundredth of a mean solar day.

The combination of these two units resulted in the foot per second as a unit of speed or velocity.

The foot per second was officially adopted as part of the US customary and imperial systems in the late 18th century.

Example conversions of feet per second to other units

Here are some examples of converting feet per second to other units of speed or velocity:

1 ft/s = 0.3048 m/s = 1.09728 km/h = 0.681818 mph = 0.592484 kn = 12 in/s = 0.000189394 mi/s
2 ft/s = 0.6096 m/s = 2.19456 km/h = 1.36364 mph = 1.18497 kn = 24 in/s = 0.000378788 mi/s
5 ft/s = 1.524 m/s = 5.4864 km/h = 3.40909 mph = 2.96241 kn = 60 in/s = 0.00094697 mi/s
10 ft/s = 3.048 m/s = 10.9728 km/h = 6.81818 mph = 5.92482 kn = 120 in/s = 0.00189394 mi/s
20 ft/s = 6.096 m/s = 21.9456 km/h = 13.6364 mph = 11.8496 kn = 240 in/s = 0.00378788 mi/s
50 ft/s = 15.24 m/s = 54.864 km/h = 34.0909 mph = 29.6241 kn = 600 in/s = 0.0094697 mi/s
100 ft/s = 30.48 m/s = 109.728 km/h = 68.1818 mph = 59.2482 kn = 1200 in/s = 0.0189394 mi/s

Foot per second also can be marked as fps.

Centimeters per minute: A unit of speed

Centimeters per minute (cm/min) is a unit of speed or velocity in the International System of Units (SI). It measures how fast an object is moving by calculating the distance traveled in centimeters divided by the time taken in minutes. For example, if a snail travels 6 centimeters in 3 minutes, its speed is 2 cm/min.

How to convert centimeters per minute

Centimeters per minute can be converted to other units of speed or velocity by using simple conversion factors. Here are some common units and their conversion factors:

  • Meters per second (m/s): To convert from cm/min to m/s, divide by 6000. To convert from m/s to cm/min, multiply by 6000. For example, 1 cm/min is equal to 0.000166667 m/s, and 10 m/s is equal to 60000 cm/min.
  • Kilometers per hour (km/h): To convert from cm/min to km/h, divide by 100000. To convert from km/h to cm/min, multiply by 100000. For example, 1 cm/min is equal to 0.0006 km/h, and 50 km/h is equal to 833333.333 cm/min.
  • Miles per hour (mph): To convert from cm/min to mph, multiply by 0.000372823. To convert from mph to cm/min, divide by 0.000372823. For example, 1 cm/min is equal to 0.000372823 mph, and 30 mph is equal to 80467.2 cm/min.
  • Knots (kn): To convert from cm/min to kn, multiply by 0.000323974. To convert from kn to cm/min, divide by 0.000323974. For example, 1 cm/min is equal to 0.000323974 kn, and 15 kn is equal to 46296.296 cm/min.
  • Feet per minute (ft/min): To convert from cm/min to ft/min, divide by 30.48. To convert from ft/min to cm/min, multiply by 30.48. For example, 1 cm/min is equal to 0.0328084 ft/min, and 10 ft/min is equal to 304.8 cm/min.
  • Inches per minute (in/min): To convert from cm/min to in/min, divide by 2.54. To convert from in/min to cm/min, multiply by 2.54. For example, 1 cm/min is equal to 0.393701 in/min, and 20 in/min is equal to 50.8 cm/min.

Where centimeters per minute are used

Centimeters per minute are mainly used in science and engineering to measure the flow rate of fluids and gases.

For example, the standard cubic centimeter per minute (SCCM) is a unit used to quantify the flow rate of a fluid at standard conditions of temperature and pressure.

The flow rate of blood through a capillary is often measured in centimeters per minute.

The flow rate of air through a wind tunnel is often measured in centimeters per second, which is equivalent to centimeters per minute divided by 60.

Definition of centimeters per minute

According to the SI definition, one centimeter per minute is the speed of a body that covers a distance of one centimeter in a time of one minute.

Mathematically, it can be expressed as:

where v is the speed or velocity in centimeters per minute, s is the distance traveled in centimeters, and t is the time taken in minutes.

History of centimeters per minute

The concept of speed or velocity has been studied since ancient times by philosophers and scientists such as Aristotle, Galileo, Newton, etc.

The centimeter was originally derived from the French centimeter which was defined as one hundredth of a meter.

The meter was originally derived from the French meter which was defined as one ten-millionth of the distance from the equator to the North Pole.

The minute was originally derived from the Babylonian sexagesimal system which divided an hour into sixty minutes.

The combination of these two units resulted in the centimeter per minute as a unit of speed or velocity.

The centimeter per minute was officially adopted as part of the SI system in 1960.

Example conversions of centimeters per minute to other units

Here are some examples of converting centimeters per minute to other units of speed or velocity:

1 cm/min = 0.000166667 m/s = 0.0006 km/h = 0.000372823 mph = 0.000323974 kn = 0.0328084 ft/min = 0.393701 in/min
2 cm/min = 0.000333333 m/s = 0.0012 km/h = 0.000745645 mph = 0.000647948 kn = 0.0656168 ft/min = 0.787402 in/min
5 cm/min = 0.000833333 m/s = 0.003 km/h = 0.00186411 mph = 0.00161987 kn = 0.164042 ft/min = 1.9685 in/min
10 cm/min = 0.00166667 m/s = 0.006 km/h = 0.00372823 mph = 0.00323974 kn = 0.328084 ft/min = 3.93701 in/min
20 cm/min = 0.00333333 m/s = 0.012 km/h = 0.00745645 mph = 0.00647948 kn = 0.656168 ft/min = 7.87402 in/min
50 cm/min = 0.00833333 m/s = 0.03 km/h = 0.0186411 mph = 0.0161987 kn = 1.64042 ft/min = 19.685 in/min

Centimeters per minute also can be marked as cm/min and Centimetres per minute (alternative British English spelling in UK).

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