Convert Meters Per Second to Feet Per Hour (m/s to ft/h) ▶ Conversion Table
How to convert1 foot per hour (ft/h) = 8.46667E-05 meter per second (m/s). Foot Per Hour (ft/h) is a unit of Speed used in Standard system. Meter Per Second (m/s) is a unit of Speed used in Metric system. Feet Per HourDefinition of Feet Per HourFeet per hour (f/h) is a unit of speed that measures how fast something is moving in terms of feet per unit of time. It is a US Standard unit that is derived from the base unit of length, the foot, and the base unit of time, the hour. It is rarely used however, as the units of feet per second and miles per hour are considered sufficient for most situations. One foot per hour is equal to 0.000084666666666667 meters per second, or 0.0003048 kilometers per hour. It can also be converted to other units of speed, such as miles per hour, knots, or meters per second, by using appropriate conversion factors. How to Convert Feet Per HourTo convert feet per hour to other units of speed, we need to multiply or divide by the corresponding conversion factors. For example, to convert feet per hour to miles per hour, we need to multiply by 0.0001893939394, since there are 0.0001893939394 miles in one foot. To convert feet per hour to meters per second, we need to multiply by 0.000084666666666667, since there are 0.000084666666666667 meters in one foot. Here are some examples of how to convert feet per hour to other units of length in the US Standard system and the SI system:
Where Feet Per Hour Are UsedFeet per hour are mainly used for measuring very slow speeds or velocities of objects or phenomena that move in terms of feet per unit of time. They are often used in scientific fields such as geology, biology, astronomy, and physics, where the speed or velocity of an object or phenomenon is very small compared to the usual units of speed. For example, a glacier may have a speed of a few feet per hour, which means that it moves a few feet in one hour. A snail may have a speed of up to 47 feet per hour, which means that it can travel up to 47 feet in one hour.1 A planet may have an orbital velocity of thousands of feet per hour, which means that it covers thousands of feet along its orbit in one hour. Feet per hour are also used in some other fields where the speed or velocity of an object or phenomenon is measured in terms of feet per unit of time. History of Feet Per HourThe origin of feet per hour as a unit of speed can be traced back to the development of the US Standard system and the foot as a unit of length in the late eighteenth century. The foot was defined as one third of a yard based on the English standard foot. The term foot first appeared in English in the late fourteenth century, but it was not until later in the early nineteenth century that the use of feet per hour became more common; before that, other units such as inches per hour or yards per hour were preferred for expressing speed. Feet per hour have been used ever since as a standard unit of speed for measuring very slow speeds or velocities of objects or phenomena that move in terms of feet per unit of time. They have also been adopted by some international organizations and conventions, such as the International System of Units and the International Astronomical Union. Example Conversions of Feet Per Hour to Other UnitsHere are some examples of how to convert feet per hour to other units of speed, using the conversion factors given above:
Meters per second: A unit of speedMeters per second (m/s) is a unit of speed or velocity in the International System of Units (SI). It measures how fast an object is moving by calculating the distance traveled in meters divided by the time taken in seconds. For example, if a car travels 100 meters in 5 seconds, its speed is 20 m/s. How to convert meters per secondMeters per second can be converted to other units of speed or velocity by using simple conversion factors. Here are some common units and their conversion factors:
Where meters per second are usedMeters per second are widely used in science and engineering to measure the speed or velocity of various phenomena, such as sound waves, light waves, wind speed, fluid flow, projectile motion, etc. Meters per second are also used in some countries as the official unit of speed or velocity for road traffic signs and regulations. For example, in Canada, the maximum speed limit on highways is usually 100 km/h, which is equivalent to 27.78 m/s. Meters per second are also used in sports and athletics to measure the performance of athletes, such as sprinters, swimmers, cyclists, etc. Definition of meters per secondAccording to the SI definition, one meter per second is the speed of a body that covers a distance of one meter in a time of one second. Mathematically, it can be expressed as:
where v is the speed or velocity in meters per second, s is the distance traveled in meters, and t is the time taken in seconds. History of meters per secondThe concept of speed or velocity has been studied since ancient times by philosophers and scientists such as Aristotle, Galileo, Newton, etc. The meter was originally defined in 1793 by the French Academy of Sciences as one ten-millionth of the distance from the equator to the North Pole along a meridian through Paris. The second was originally defined in terms of the Earth’s rotation as one eighty-six thousand four hundredth of a mean solar day. The combination of these two units resulted in the meter per second as a unit of speed or velocity. The meter per second was officially adopted as part of the SI system in 1960. Example conversions of meters per second to other unitsHere are some examples of converting meters per second to other units of speed or velocity:
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Meters Per Second to Centimeters Per Second Meters Per Second to Feet Per Second Meters Per Second to Kilometers Per Second Meters Per Second to Knots Meters Per Second to Kilometers Per Hour Meters Per Second to Light Speed Meters Per Second to Mach Meters Per Second to Miles Per Minute Meters Per Second to Miles Per Second Meters Per Second to Miles Per Hour Kilometers Per Second to Kilometers Per Hour Knots to Kilometers Per Hour Knots to Miles Per Hour Kilometers Per Hour to Kilometers Per Second Kilometers Per Hour to Knots Kilometers Per Hour to Light Speed Kilometers Per Hour to Mach Kilometers Per Hour to Miles Per Second Kilometers Per Hour to Miles Per Hour Kilometers Per Hour to Meters Per Second Light Speed to Kilometers Per Hour Light Speed to Miles Per Hour Mach to Kilometers Per Hour Mach to Miles Per Second Mach to Miles Per Hour Miles Per Second to Kilometers Per Hour Miles Per Second to Mach Miles Per Hour to Knots Miles Per Hour to Kilometers Per Hour Miles Per Hour to Light Speed Miles Per Hour to Mach Miles Per Hour to Meters Per Second Meters Per Second to Kilometers Per Hour Meters Per Second to Miles Per Hour |
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