Cubic Decimeters to Gallons Converter (cu dm to gal)
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Cubic Decimeters to Gallons


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Conversion Table

cubic decimeters to gallons
cu dmgal
1 cu dm 0.2642 gal
2 cu dm 0.5283 gal
3 cu dm 0.7925 gal
4 cu dm 1.0567 gal
5 cu dm 1.3209 gal
6 cu dm 1.585 gal
7 cu dm 1.8492 gal
8 cu dm 2.1134 gal
9 cu dm 2.3775 gal
10 cu dm 2.6417 gal
11 cu dm 2.9059 gal
12 cu dm 3.1701 gal
13 cu dm 3.4342 gal
14 cu dm 3.6984 gal
15 cu dm 3.9626 gal
16 cu dm 4.2268 gal
17 cu dm 4.4909 gal
18 cu dm 4.7551 gal
19 cu dm 5.0193 gal
20 cu dm 5.2834 gal

How to convert

1 cubic decimeter (cu dm) = 0.264172052 gallon (gal). Cubic Decimeter (cu dm) is a unit of Volume used in Metric system. Gallon (gal) is a unit of Volume used in Standard system.

Cubic Decimeters: A Unit of Volume

Cubic decimeters are a unit of volume that are used to measure the space occupied by a three-dimensional object or substance. They are also used to measure the capacity of containers, such as boxes, bottles, tanks, etc. They are different from cubic meters, which are a larger unit of volume. They are also different from liters, which are a unit of volume for liquids and gases. They are also different from barrel of oil equivalent (BOE), which is a unit of energy based on the approximate energy released by burning one barrel of crude oil.

How to Convert Cubic Decimeters

To convert cubic decimeters to other units of volume, one can use the following formulas:

  • To convert cubic decimeters to liters: multiply by 1
  • To convert cubic decimeters to cubic meters: divide by 1000
  • To convert cubic decimeters to cubic inches: multiply by 61.024
  • To convert cubic decimeters to US fluid ounces: multiply by 33.814
  • To convert cubic decimeters to BOE: divide by 583
Cubic decimeters also can be marked as dm3.

Gallons: A Unit of Volume

Gallons are a unit of volume that are used to measure liquids, such as water, milk, oil, wine, etc. They are also used to measure some dry goods, such as grains, fruits, nuts, etc. They are different from cups, which are a smaller unit of volume. They are also different from liters, which are a larger unit of volume. They are also different from barrel of oil equivalent (BOE), which is a unit of energy based on the approximate energy released by burning one barrel of crude oil.

How to Convert Gallons

To convert gallons to other units of volume, one can use the following formulas:

  • To convert US liquid gallons to liters: multiply by 3.785

  • To convert US liquid gallons to cubic inches: multiply by 231

  • To convert US liquid gallons to fluid ounces: multiply by 128

  • To convert US liquid gallons to UK gallons: multiply by 0.833

  • To convert US liquid gallons to BOE: divide by 5

  • To convert US dry gallons to liters: multiply by 4.405

  • To convert US dry gallons to cubic inches: multiply by 268.8

  • To convert US dry gallons to fluid ounces: multiply by 148.9

  • To convert US dry gallons to UK gallons: multiply by 0.969

  • To convert US dry gallons to BOE: divide by 4.6

  • To convert UK gallons to liters: multiply by 4.546

  • To convert UK gallons to cubic inches: multiply by 277.4

  • To convert UK gallons to fluid ounces: multiply by 160

  • To convert UK gallons to US liquid gallons: multiply by 1.2

  • To convert UK gallons to BOE: divide by 6.1

The US gallon is equal to 3.785411784 liters and defined as 231 cubic inches.

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